The Moose Picnic

... the number #1 location for moose-picnic-related-news

13 September, 2006

About the Organisers...

for those wanting to know a little bit more about the people behind the moose picnic ... fear not ...

Cassie 'The Moont'
Cassie refuses to write her own biography, not being one to whatever that saying is (you know what I mean, boast about herself. Something about a trumpet). So Amy is doing it for her.

Cassie is a way-marvellous person, with lots of fab skills, and recently graduated from her costume course with a giant wedding-cake dress, which can be viewed in the Arts Centre at the moment I think (although perhaps not now).

She is an excellent addition to the Moose Picnic Organisational Committee, as she keeps us from becoming over-organised. She makes a lovely zucchini slice ('You can't even taste the zucchini!'), and enjoys listening to music, making pinatas, irritating people (especially Amy - let's face it, it is quite funny), and long walks along the beach.

She hates sewing, fish, swimming at the beach and potatoes.

'Scissorhands' Sarah
Self-proclaimed all mighty queen of the massively powerful international scissor army, Sarah strives for world domination, through what is sure to be a bloodthirsty battle, the likes of which this world has never seen before.

Starting in her youth as a lowly scissor merchant, she soon learnt the art of scissor warfare from her mighty ninja master, Sensei Hasumi Sugoii. Growing up she soon consolidated her power and became a mighty scissor assassin known throughout the world over, and then grew to become the master and queen of her own army of mighty scissors

....However, in her spare time she also enjoys tea parties and picnics.In 2003 she joined up with other local moose enthusiasts Cassie and Amy and together they created the Royal Moose Protection Society (the first of its kind in Australia). The moose PIcnic being the main social function of the year for the foundation.

Amy "The one who has totally made up for being absent from the organisation of the Moose Picnic one year by writing this stuff"
Amy also decided she'd prefer not to write her own bio, but soon realised that she didn't trust the other two to sufficiently display her brilliance, so will do it herself.

Amy has almost finished bludging her way through a degree, and following that, hopes to become a true slacker. She intends to undertake her slacking career in Ireland, Scotland, Eastern Bulgaria and Latin America. And Laos. And possibly Tonga.

She cites as her greatest achievements the following:- Participating in the Melbourne Cup Children's Hat Parade at the Melbourne Museum earlier this year- Passing first year economics (just)- With Luisa; producing, directing and performing the first-rate historical play "Jan Brady Goes to Ancient Rome"- Getting back into an Irish pub during a lock in after telling the doorman she was going outside "to throw up"

Amy enjoys lying around and talking about herself in the third person. She dislikes carrots and cyclists. Except when she's driving, when she enjoys the crunching sound they make.


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